Wednesday 6 October 2010

Research: Lighting.

  • Revelation of form: Altering the perception of shapes, particularly three-dimensional stage elements.
  • Focus: Directing the audience's attention to an area or distracting them from another.
  • Mood: Setting the tone of a scene. Harsh red light has a totally different effect than soft lavender light.
  • Location and time of day: Establishing or altering position in time and space. Blues can suggest night time while orange and red can suggest a sunrise or sunset. Use of gobos to project sky scene, moon etc.
  • It is measured in lux, lumens and foot-candles.
  • Colour temperature is measured in kelvins. The colour of a light is determined by the gel colour given to it, but also in part by the power level the lamp is being run at and the colour of material it is to light.
  • LED fixtures create colour through additive colour mixing with red, green, and blue LEDs at different intensities. This type of colour mixing is also used frequently with borderlights.
  • Pattern refers to the shape, quality and evenness of a lamp's output. There are 3 factors, firstly the specifics of the lamps reflector and lens assembly, different sizes and shapes of reflector and the nature of the lens being used can all affect the pattern of light. Secondly, how the lamp is focused affect its pattern. Lastly, a gobo or break up pattern may be applied to ERSs and similar instruments. This is typically a thin sheet of metal with a shape cut into it. It is inserted into the instrument near its aperture.
  • The final focus should place the "hot spot" of the beam at the actor's head level when standing at the center of the instrument's assigned "focus area".
  • Stanley McCandless was the first to define controllable qualities of light used in theater. In A Method for Lighting the Stage, he discusses colour, distribution, intensity and movement as the qualities that can be manipulated by a lighting designer to achieve the desired visual, emotional and thematic look. This is widely embraced today, the method involves lighting an object on the stage from three angles—2 lights at 45 degrees to the left and right, and one at 90 degrees
  • A Fresnel is a type of wash light and has the final optical device within the chain.
  • A typical moving light allows the designer to control the position, colour, shape, and strobing of the light beam created. Moving lights are also often used instead of having a large number of "generic" lights. This is because one moving light can do the work of several generics.

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