Tuesday 28 September 2010

First draft of cult promotional speech

            I am now going to offer you an indeclinable truth. An upsetting, distressing and indeclinable truth. The truth of the insatiable and seemingly unstoppable corruption and depravity of man, a corruption and depravity that is inside all of you, seething and breeding. As humanity further grows and grows, so does the immortality, the injustice, the criminality, discrimination, violence, insanity, baseness of our modern society – a society that you inhabit, and therefore an iniquity that surrounds you.
            I will now offer you a new truth. This new truth not merely a statement, but a proposal. A hand outstretched from our church to your heart, an offer of emancipation. We can free you from this sinful modern world; rescue you and your soul. We believe that we can create a new idyllic, utopian world free of affliction and evil. We lead the revolution of God and we need you. We offer you the key to salvation.

We drew inspiration from political broadcasts - their very clever, sometimes devious choices of words, euphimisms, double entrendes etc. We worded it very carefully - we wanted it to have religious, Biblical references - 'church,' 'free,' 'revolution,' 'God,' 'evil,' 'salvation' and wanted to express the cult's disdain for our modern soceity but very subtly. Subltety was the key to writing this, we wanted the reader to be unaware until the last minute of the eeriness of the cult.

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